European Investment Bank Funding
European Investment Bank Funding for SME Loans in collaboration with Banque du Caire
Through an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB; we are supporting small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) by providing access to an invaluable source of lower cost finance and flexible repayment schedules.
What is EIB funding?
The EIB is strengthening its support for SMEs by helping this important sector to access vital new lines of credit. The loan term is of a minimum of 2 years (the actual length of the loan will depend on the economic and technical life of the project financed) and it can be used to finance from very small projects to investments with a maximum cost of EUR 25 million. The EIB’s contribution, however, cannot exceed EUR 12.5 million.
Who can apply for an EIB loan?
- Local SMEs with less than 250 employees on a consolidated basis prior to the investment.
- Most economic sectors are eligible with a few exceptions.
What can an EIB loan be used for?
The EIB loan can be used to finance all investments and expenditures that are incurred in the context of the development of an SME i.e.:
- Tangible investments: purchase, renovation or extension of tangible assets, with some restrictions concerning land purchases.
- Intangible investments: particularly the expenditure involved in R&D, purchase of process licenses and software.
- Medium and long-term working capital requirements needed for the operational activity of the SME.
What are the benefits for your Business?
- You can receive beneficial interest rates or longer tenors compared to standard business lending conditions.
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